Recent content by mozfonky

  1. M

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    no, i was never required to register. it was other things, it was a continuance where I just thought the counselors were going to screw me as much as possible, that is why I stopped Anyways, I was looking at it last night and it looks like all old cases have been tinkered with, I can't see as...
  2. M

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    You guys don't know how arrogant you come across, then, I have an attitude when I say something about it. As far as "throwing the book at me" I don't think I'd even have to speak to anyone in court but if I did it wouldn't be the same as I do here and I don't want to talk to them at all. Let...
  3. M

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    you're wrong, What Are the Penalties for Indecent Exposure in Seattle?. In the case it's a kid or something that's been done before sure, but it's not. I'm in Seattle, believe it or not, I could walk down the street naked and not be charged, hard to believe but true.
  4. M

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    Come on, if you're a lawyer you'd know that indecent exposure wouldn't require any sex offender registration unless maybe some kids were involved (they weren't). Also, as far as contacting a lawyer, did it friday, same as here, hard to get answers, "I'll call you back" then nothing. I expect...
  5. M

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    Hello, first post. Back in 2001 I was charged with indecent exposure in Seattle Wa. They sent me to sexual deviancy class where I didn't think what they were trying to do was fair (tell me I was paranoid and that I could go on SSI to pay them, after talking with me for 15 minutes). So, I...