Recent content by SharonZ

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    Thank you!
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    Thank you.
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    My mother passed away a little over one year ago and left a will. There are four children. In the will she named the brother who lived with her as executor and my sister was named co-executor. She gave a parcel of land to the brother who is executor, and willed her personal residence to the...
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    If this was for my mother I would not have a problem saying so. A lot of people are the same age and may also have the same number of children. Yes, I also have a mother who is 93 but this is someone who has known our family since we were young kids and we think of as family.
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    She said it's the "king" saying this to her. I also wanted to say if I still lived in the same state I would have brought her to an attorney.
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    Thank you for your reply. By "They" I meant the government. There is not a lien on her property.
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    Hello, I’m inquiring for a dear 93 year old friend who lives in New York State. I hope this is the correct forum for these questions. She has collected social security since her husband passed away over 40 years ago. At first she collected social security disability, medicaid, and food stamps...
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    rights and responsibilities

    An attorney made the will up and it's supposedly in there that the one brother is executor. I did not realize the court had to appoint the brother. I can't file to be executor because I live states away from there. I suppose I could hire an attorney and do as Army Judge suggested, petition the...
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    rights and responsibilities

    Thank you so much! I really like how you answered!
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    rights and responsibilities

    My 93 year old mother had a will drawn up dividing everything the way she sees fit. Which is fine by me. There are four children and we each will get 1/4 of property/house my mother resides in. The one sibling will also inherit 10 acres. One of the siblings resides (also executor) with my...
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    Home Owners Insurance

    Thank you very much for your help--I do appreciate it! Sharon
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    Home Owners Insurance

    First, thank you for the kind words about me! Right now, we're making some repairs the insurance company asked of us then we'll be sitting down and talking at length with them. The one thing we don't want is to skimp on the insurance. That's why we aren't doing just the minimum. We had...
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    Home Owners Insurance

    I just spoke with the lawyer who drafted the contract. She said that because we are not financially or legally responsible for anything to the bank (the seller is) we do not have to put the bank on the home owner's insurance policy. All they need is proof that there is insurance that meets the...
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    Home Owners Insurance

    Thank you very much. Your answer opened my eyes to a new way of looking at this. I will contact the lawyer that drew up the papers. Thank you again, Sharon
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    Home Owners Insurance

    Hello, I have a question about who should be listed on the Home Owners Insurance Policy. We are buying a house on a land contract drawn by an attorney. Amongst other rules in the contract it states "buyers must obtain Home Owners Insurance at a minimum of x amount of dollars". We are to...