eviction procedure

  1. Nicolepimentel

    The misspelled of my name on all court documentsthe emergency application for assistance

    I have a Summary Judgement by Default and could not have the default removed so now I will be. I'm filing a Motion to Stay but I'm really scared. I will have nowhere to go. I have housing but after PUA ended everything went downhill quickly because Housing took so long to readjust my rent share...
  2. T

    My ex GF will not leave my house. Threatens I need to I will be in trouble if I touch her belongings

    -Texas -Fathers House. In his name. I live in it. Ex Gf also. -No lease with her name on signature on it. -She pays no bills here. -She does receive mail here now. In Jan 2020, my gf at the time was forced to move out of now ex-husbands house. She told me she had nowhere to go so I lended her a...
  3. L

    Elderly mother needs help removing adult son from her home.

    My elderly mother, (78), has allowed my brother, (50 yrs. old) to be a live-in guest and lodge in her mobile home, (that she owns), for almost a year now. He has been paying her $200 per month and there was no lease signed nor security deposit placed. He has been psychologically abusive to her...
  4. G

    Visitor, Guest How to get boyfriend out of my house?

    I have a boyfriend that moved in nine months ago. No formal lease was ever mentioned no contract/lease signed. But it has been a toxic relationship. I asked him to leave a week ago and he said no. I put together with one of the law forms online a 15 day notice for him to leave by the 29th. This...
  5. The Eviction Process Explained for Landlords & Tenants

    Eviction The Eviction Process Explained for Landlords & Tenants

    This article will provide you with information about eviction (also known as "forcible entry and detainer"), which is a court action a landlord can use to remove a tenant from an apartment or house. A tenant can be evicted for a breach of their lease such as not paying rent, significantly...