DUI (driving under the influence>, DWI (driving while impaired or intoxicated) and BUI (boating under the influence all involve operating a motor vehicle while impaired due to the use of alcohol, drugs or other cause. Drunk driving is against the law in every state in two forms of criminal offenses: DUI and DWI. If the police suspect a person of operating a motor vehicle (car, motorcycle, truck or boat) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they may stop the vehicle and request the driver submit to a “field sobriety test.” This tests the level of driver impairment and reaction time. They may also ask the driver to submit to a breathalyzer test or for a blood or urine sample in order to determine the driver’s blood alcohol level (“BAC”) with a greater degree of accuracy. The punishment for a DUI or DWI varies between states, including the BAC levels which trigger harsher penalties.


Daljit Rakker
2 min read
Effects of a DUI in a Custody Case (If you are the DUI offender) The discovery of a past DUI crime in either parent's life is bound to bring difficulties in an ongoing custody case. The court may find it peculiar that you had a DUI sentencing even as early as ten years, and decide to act on it...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
If you’re facing DUI or DWI charges, you’ll certainly want to make sure that you’re being represented by a reliable and experienced attorney. You'll also want to make sure that there are no surprises when you get the bill. In order to make a good decision, you’ll need to conduct a useful...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
After a DUI or DWI arrest, a person is held in custody at a local police station or jail. Bail is the process where a DUI or DWI suspect can pay money into court which ensures that the suspect will return to court for trial. Bail bonds come into the picture when a criminal suspect cannot...