Transportation & Aviation


Michael Wechsler
5 min read
This article will answer frequently asked questions about what to do if you're involved in a boating accident, how to report an accident, how liability is apportioned and the award of money damages to an injured party. What are common causes of boating accidents? Before deciding to go boating...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
This article will provide information about state and federal boating laws, life jacket requirements, BUI or "boating under the influence" laws and how to find out more about boat laws. Federal Law Usually Supersedes State Law In general, federal general maritime law trumps state laws that...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
Even though travel in airplanes is generally considered a very safe means of travel, aviation accidents still happen occasionally and are typically extremely devastating. If you have survived an airplane accident or you have lost a family member in an airplane accident, you can file a claim to...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
This article will answer frequently asked questions about damages you can be awarded for aviation accidents and injuries, such as from airplane crashes, helicopter crashes or other accidents that occur in the air. It will explain what kind of damages are available, how the process is managed...